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About us

Designer Outlet Luxembourg is a cooperation between the owner ImRaum Immobilien and the operator ROS Retail Outlet Shopping.

ImRaum Immobilien
ImRaum Immobilien is the real estate investment and development unit of the owners of the Austrian renewable energy company ImWind Group. ImRaum Immobilien develops and builds real estate projects (more than 70,000 m² developed within the last 4 years or currently in development), regularly invests in the expansion of its own real estate portfolio (residential buildings, commercial properties and building plots).

The ImWind Group is a wind power and photovoltaic pioneer and one of the largest producers of renewable energy in Austria with more than 430 Megawatt wind and photovoltaic plants in operation.

ROS Retail Outlet Shopping
ROS Retail Outlet Shopping, headquartered in Vienna, Austria, is specialised in retail real estate consulting and centre management of Designer Outlets and innovative shopping concepts across Europe. Since 2024 ROS is part of the French listed property group FREY, located in Reims Bezannes.The ROS founders Thomas Reichenauer and Gerhard Graf are both committed professionals with many years of experience and knowledge in the European outlet market as well as recognized personalities in the industry. ROS covers all stages of a project from finding the right location to developing it to all aspects of operational management. Sustainable centre growth is supported by a strong brand partner management, high quality retail and customer services standards as well as an innovative marketing approach provided by a professional senior management team. The portfolio of ROS across Europe includes Designer Outlet Soltau, City Outlet Geislingen, Designer Outlet Warszawa, Designer Outlet Gdansk, Designer Outlet Sosnowiec, Premier Outlet Budapest, Designer Outlet Algarve, Designer Outlet Croatia, La Torre Outlet Zaragoza, M3 Outlet Polgar, Designer Outlet Luxembourg, Designer Outlet Krakow, Malmö Designer Village and further new projects.
